The effects of capacitor termination to a solenoidal antenna coil on the plasma parameters, such as the plasma density, the electron temperature, the electron energy distribution function and the plasma potential, are studied in an Ar or O2/N2 gas mixture inductively coupled plasma (ICP).
When the reactance of the capacitor is half that of the antenna, there is a resonance condition where the electrostatic coupling between the antenna coil and the chamber wall is effectively suppressed. The plasma density is maximal, while the electron temperature and the plasma potential are minimal under this resonance condition.
It is then understood that the coil consumes reactive energy while the capacitor itself generates reactive energy in the circuit which is in parallel with it. The capacitor is therefore a reactive energy generator and the capacitive effect is therefore related to a capacitor equivalent energized. = C U ,so Q0 = . (C )2.U 2 = C U2(7) III.
Moreover, the effect of capacitive coupling becomes significant as the length of the antenna coil increases. It is noted that the wafer size in the semiconductor plasma process is being enlarged from 300 to 450 mm and thus, a longer antenna coil has to be installed in the plasma reactor.
Forexample,theelectrostaticcouplingleadstoanon-uniform plasma , chamber contamination by the erosion of the window material placed beneath the antenna coil, and a high plasmapotentialthatincreasesionbombardmenttothereactor wall. Moreover, the effect of capacitive coupling becomes significant as the length of the antenna coil increases.
Therefore, two conditions (10 and 90pF) are selected to compare the effect of capacitor termination on the ashing process. As indicated in figure 7, the ashing rate is enhanced to 9.1% under the resonance condition due to the enhanced radical density from the increase in the plasma density.
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A capacitor is an electrical component that stores energy in an electric field. It is a passive device that consists of two conductors separated by an insulating material known as …
The effects of capacitor termination to a solenoidal antenna coil on the plasma parameters, such as the plasma density, the electron temperature, the electron energy …
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This paper reports the suppression of the electrostatic coupling by terminating the coil (inductance L ) with a capacitor (capacitance C ). The suppression resonantly takes place …
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As the capacitor charges or discharges, a current flows through it which is restricted by the internal impedance of the capacitor. This internal impedance is commonly known as …
This article presents a calculation methodology based on the electrostatic considerations of capacitors formed by the conductors of a power line or a cable in general. We have then …
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We investigated the effect of capacitor termination on the plasma parameters in Ar or O 2 /N 2 gas mixture solenoidal ICPs. Under the balanced RF power feeding condition, …
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Let''s begin with the simplest RLC circuit; one consisting of a single voltage source in series with a single resistor, inductor and capacitor, as shown in Figure …
As stated in the tutorial. Impedance (Z) is the oppostion offered to the flow of current around an AC circuit and is expressed in Ohms (or multiples of Ohms). Impedance is the combined effect …
During the ICP (inductively coupled plasma) process, a very high self-bias voltage is induced along the coil, which can cause sputtering of dielectric materials covering …
The effects of capacitor termination to a solenoidal antenna coil on the plasma parameters, such as the plasma density, the electron temperature, the electron energy distribution function and …
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The results in this study can be useful for the coil polarity selection that is required in multi-coil forming processes. Electromagnetic forming, by combining multiple coils …
During the ICP (inductively coupled plasma) process, a very high self-bias voltage is induced along the coil, which can cause sputtering of dielectric materials covering …
The results in this study can be useful for the coil polarity selection that is required in multi-coil forming processes. Electromagnetic forming, by combining multiple coils …