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What's going on with battery raw material prices?

Get up-to-speed with our battery raw material prices, news, trends and forecasts. The price of lithium is falling, but some Western companies have recently announced more investments in the Lithium Triangle – a region of South America comprising parts of Argentina, Chile and Bolivia.

Why are aluminum prices rising?

This trend aligns with predictions that aluminum prices are likely to increase owing to supply shortages and the rising demand from industries embracing greener initiatives. Economic policies and trade agreements wield considerable influence over aluminum prices by shaping market conditions and trade dynamics.

Why does aluminum cost so much?

The pricing of aluminum is intricately tied to the interplay of supply and demand dynamics, which are influenced by a multitude of factors. One such factor is the production costs and availability of raw materials, including the supply of alumina and the price of electricity.

Why did aluminum prices drop 35% in April 2020?

In April 2020, aluminum prices dropped by almost 35% compared to two years prior, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on demand. However, a year later, prices rebounded as recovering sectors increased demand.

Why should you invest in Fastmarkets battery raw materials?

Fastmarkets’ battery raw materials products give market participants and investors the transparency and clarity to make critical and strategic business decisions. Trade on market-reflective prices Validate your price, supply and demand forecasts for 1-2 years in the future Access critical long-term forecasts for the next 10-15 years

How do economic policies affect aluminum prices?

Economic policies and trade agreements wield considerable influence over aluminum prices by shaping market conditions and trade dynamics. Changes in economic conditions directly impact the pricing trends of aluminum through their effects on global trade patterns and market demands.

The Latest Aluminum Price Trends: Industry Updates and Insights

The Asian market, particularly China, has shown stability with monthly price increases, while the London Metal Exchange (LME) has seen an upward trend in aluminum …

Trends and Developments in the High-Nickel Pig Iron Market

1 · This week, the high-nickel pig iron market continued to show a slightly weak trend. The average price of SMM 8-12% high-nickel pig iron was reported at 946.4 yuan/nickel point (ex …

How Aluminum Price Fluctuations Impact Various Industries

Aluminum plays a pivotal role in numerous industries, making its price fluctuations a subject of significant interest. Understanding the dynamics of the aluminum market is …

Battery Metals Prices are Falling. Will Demand Catch up …

Battery usage has grown from around 25% to around 35% of cobalt use in the United States. The recent declines in lithium and cobalt prices have been mirrored in other metals. Both aluminum and hot-rolled coil steel …

Battery Metals Prices are Falling. Will Demand Catch up to Supply?

Battery usage has grown from around 25% to around 35% of cobalt use in the United States. The recent declines in lithium and cobalt prices have been mirrored in other …

Price Trends

TrendForce Lithium Battery Research provides intelligence on market prices and interpretations of market price trends through close and frequent communications with major …

Price Trends

TrendForce Lithium Battery Research tracks price trends for major products of China''s li-ion battery industry chain, including lithium, cobalt, nickel, cathode/anode materials, …

Lead Prices Fall for Four Consecutive Days, Widening Disparities in …

1 · Last week, lead prices ended the bullish trend that began in mid-November, experiencing a brief stabilization at the start of the week before falling for four consecutive days. Last week, …

Battery Prices Stabilize in November, Slight Increase Expected in …

4 · TrendForce''s latest research reveals that China''s EV sales continued to grow throughout November 2024, driving demand for EV batteries. LFP battery prices remained …

The Latest Aluminum Price Trends: Industry Updates …

The Asian market, particularly China, has shown stability with monthly price increases, while the London Metal Exchange (LME) has seen an upward trend in aluminum prices. External factors, including economic …

Battery Metal Prices and Their Impact on Materials …

Materials Handling Equipment (MHE) Electrification Is Not Deterred by Battery Price. Though battery metal prices will continue to see some variability, these fluctuations are not influencing MHE electrification trends. In …

[Infographic]: Battery Metals Trends Infographic| S&P Global …

The changes in metals prices have contributed to 60%-110% increment in battery metals costs across various battery types in the past 12 months. With a high growth forecast for passenger …

Battery raw material prices, news and analysis

Get up-to-speed with our battery raw material prices, news, trends and forecasts. Battery raw materials outlook 2025: Robust and rebalancing market Get the key takeaways from our …

Lithium-ion Battery Aluminum Foil Market Insights

Lithium-ion Battery Aluminum Foil Market Insights. Lithium-ion Battery Aluminum Foil Market size was valued at USD 10.1 Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 25.1 Billion by 2030, …

Battery Metals Prices Are Falling. Will Demand Catch …

Both aluminum and hot-rolled coil steel prices have fallen by around 50% since their respective highs in 2021 and 2022.

Battery Metals | S&P Global Commodity Insights

S&P Global Commodity Insights presents the latest news features, podcasts, blog posts, videos and special reports the rapid evolving battery metals market. Battery Metals Price Assessments

Battery Metals | S&P Global Commodity Insights

S&P Global Commodity Insights presents the latest news features, podcasts, blog posts, videos and special reports the rapid evolving battery metals market. Battery Metals …

Battery Metals Prices Are Falling. Will Demand Catch Up To Supply?

Both aluminum and hot-rolled coil steel prices have fallen by around 50% since their respective highs in 2021 and 2022.

Trends in batteries – Global EV Outlook 2023 – …

This warrants further analysis based on future trends in material prices. The effect of increased battery material prices differed across various battery chemistries in 2022, with the strongest increase being observed for LFP batteries (over …

Battery materials

Understand the context of significant price movements and industry trends with a weekly PDF that highlights the most important market news across lithium, cobalt, graphite, …

Battery Prices Stabilize in November, Slight Increase …

4 · TrendForce''s latest research reveals that China''s EV sales continued to grow throughout November 2024, driving demand for EV batteries. LFP battery prices remained stable, while prices for ternary batteries saw a slight decline.

Battery Metals Trends

Cobalt, lithium and nickel prices have increased by 55%, 45% and 7% respectively since the start of this year to August 2021.

[SMM Analysis] High Prosperity in the LFP Market Continues in …

14 · However, market dynamics still require close monitoring, particularly regarding processing fee adjustments, raw material price fluctuations, and battery cell manufacturers'' …

Battery metal prices slide in Q2 2023; lithium supply on the rise

Battery metal prices continued to be weighed upon by weak electric vehicle demand in China in the second quarter despite a glimpse of recovery in June, while the lithium …