Global Organization

What is a confidentiality attack?

Confidentiality is the feature of data that implies that data can be accessed only by authorized parties . A confidentiality attack is an attack in which system data is recorded and stolen by an unauthorized party. Some researchers state that confidentiality is not necessary for the system data .

Are utility-scale battery energy storage systems vulnerable to cyberattacks?

Utility-scale battery energy storage systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks. There is a lack of extensive review on the battery cybersecure design and operation. We review the state-of-the-art battery attack detection and mitigation methods. We overview methods to forecast system components behavior to detect an attack.

Why are sensing units placed in battery cells?

Sensing units are placed in battery cells to control voltage, current, and temperature. In this work, we assume that the sensing units in batteries are protected and, therefore, the possibility of FDIA is eliminated. To prevent the attack against battery SOC, the forecasting methods can be applied.

Can mL and AI support cyber defense of battery systems?

We discuss how ML and AI-based methods can support cyber defense of battery systems. Battery energy storage system (BESS) is an important component of a modern power system since it allows seamless integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into the grid.

What datasets are used for battery SoC forecasting?

Due to the EV being a spread application of batteries, most battery SOC forecast methods are tested on EV datasets. One of the common datasets described in the literature are Federal Urban Driving Cycles (FUDS), and US06. The efficiency of machine learning (ML) and ANN approaches application on different datasets is highlighted in .

How mL and AI can be used for battery se forecasting?

The ML and artificial intelligence (AI) methods are suggested to use for battery SE forecast since they have a high potential for forecast implementation due to their robustness and accuracy. Data preprocessing algorithm has to be improved to meet the needs of data-driven approaches due to high requirements to initial data.

Battery Trade Secret War Stories and Battery Patent Filing Trends

Legal security measures • Employee Invention Assignment and Confidentiality Agreement • Employees sign agreement to abide by handbook (nondisclosure / confidentiality) • Employees …

Advancements in Battery Technology for Electric Vehicles: A ...

The progress made in addressing the challenges of solid-state battery technology, such as optimizing solid electrolyte materials and achieving scalability, is …

Safeguarding battery systems and data in the age of EVs

Encryption algorithms ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted within the system, protecting against interception or manipulation by malicious entities – …

The CIA Triad — Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Explained

Confidentiality. Confidentiality is about ensuring access to data is restricted to only the intended audience and not others. As you may expect, the more sensitive the …

(PDF) Confidentiality

According to Badampudi et al. (2022), confidentiality pertains to safeguarding the raw data and only disclosing the summarized outcomes not linked to specific people or …

Battery Technology

In contrast to a patent, trade secrets are not available to the public and therefore their exclusivity is dependent upon the measures put in place to keep them confidential within a business. …

Protecting Battery and Energy Technology: Trade Secrets

To qualify as a trade secret, federal law requires that "reasonable measures" be taken to keep the information secret. This presentation aims to inform how courts have treated …

Data Security and Privacy: Protecting Sensitive Information

Technology Company: Insider Threats. Challenge: A technology company identified a risk of insider threats where employees could misuse or leak sensitive data. …

Batteries for electric vehicles: Technical advancements, …

In 2023, a medium-sized battery electric car was responsible for emitting over 20 t CO 2-eq 2 over its lifecycle (Figure 1B).However, it is crucial to note that if this well-known battery electric car …

Cybersecurity Measures for Battery Energy Storage Systems

Battery cybersecurity measures are crucial to ensuring the longevity, safety, reliability, and energy storage system security of connected devices, including BESS systems. …

EU Battery Passport: Navigating Interoperability and Data Security ...

Since the economic operator has the responsibility to share all relevant information acquired and preserved under its battery due diligence policy with its immediate …

An Overview of Cyber-Physical Security of Battery ...

A properly designed battery management system (BMS) is crucial to guarantee the safety, reliability, and optimal performance of the battery as well as to interconnect the …

The Key to Safety: Exploring the Role of Encryption in

As technology continues to evolve, encryption remains at the forefront of data protection, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and peace of mind for organizations and individuals alike. The Definition of Encryption Encryption …

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability in Network Systems: A ...

This paper delves into the intricate tapestry of information security in network systems, scrutinizing the quintessential "CIA triad"-confidentiality, integrity, and availability- …

How to Maintain Confidentiality in Healthcare

Violations of confidentiality can result in dire consequences such as identity theft or fraudulence. It could potentially damage one''s reputation or put their privacy at risk. By protecting confidential …

Data Confidentiality: Key Practices and Challenges

Data confidentiality is essential for protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access. The rise of technology has led to a massive increase in data generation, …

Balancing confidentiality and care coordination: challenges in …

Digital technology has significantly transformed healthcare, enhancing care coordination and improving patient outcomes. However, this transformation brings forth critical …

Battery Intellectual Property & Trade Secrets

Our rigorous internal standards prevent conflicts of interest and ensure strict client confidentiality. Our ability to perform complete battery testing combined with our experience in global …

Data-driven approaches for cyber defense of battery energy …

Confidentiality attacks can be targeted at sensors, communication channels, and data storage. The man-in-the-middle attack is a type of attack against data confidentiality that …