Figures 9 a and 9 b show that the annual average DGSR ranges from 6 to 26 MJ/m 2, with a national-average value of 15.55 MJ/m 2 during 2013–2014. Spatial differences are evident across China, indicating that the solar radiation intensity in northern China (western China) is higher than that in southern China (eastern China).
Previous studies usually used limited observation data for modeling and analyzing global solar radiation in China , , that has a land area of ~9.6 million km 2. These limited data potentially result in partial valid conclusions owing to their inadequate representativeness.
There are only 103 solar radiation observation stations until 2008 in Chinese mainland . Long-term data on global solar radiation are not available for most areas in China, especially in remote rural and mountainous areas, where approximately 80% of the Chinese population is living .
Thus, understanding the long-term variations of solar radiation is important for planning the utilizations of solar energy resources over mainland China in the future. Measurement by pyranometer with accurately calibrated are the best way to obtain the long-term SSR data (Wang et al., 2012).
Proving the distribution and changes of solar energy in China is a necessary foundation for the stable development of the PV industry (Kazaz and Adiguzel Istil 2019). Since the 1950s, the surface solar radiation has been on a downward trend, and this trend continued until the 1980s (global dimming) (Stanhill 2005).
Yao WX, Zhang CX, Wang X, Zhang ZG, Li X, Di H (2018) A new correlation between global solar radiation and the quality of sunshine duration in China. Energy Convers Manag 164:579–587 Zeng Y, Cao Y, Qiao X, Seyler BC, Tang Y (2019) Air pollution reduction in China: recent success but great challenge for the future.
The results show that the annual global solar radiation in China is in the range of 3097–7311 MJm− 2, and the annual diffuse solar radiation value ranges from 495 to 3036 …
Interpolating data from discrete points to a continuous surface, using a yearly statistical summary of solar radiation in China
To accurately provide a basis for the use of solar energy in mainland China, the optimized empirical model is adopted to analyze the variation trends and spatial patterns in …
Download scientific diagram | Annual total solar radiation on the vertical surfaces in the five representative cities in China. from publication: Solar radiation on vertical surfaces for building ...
The total summer SSR in China under this circulation type is on the low side. While Type 4 shows a decreasing trend, i.e., a decrease of 1.84 days per decade, and the …
According to long-term observation data accumulated by more than 700 meteorological stations in China, the annual total solar radiation in various parts of China is …
The total annual solar radiation (MJ/m 2) is calculated by summing the hourly insolation values over the entire year. ... The total annual output loss for China''s 175 GW of …
Method] The spatial and temporal distribution of total solar radiation and the trend of change were analyzed by using the total solar radiation data of 62 stations in China from 1986 to …
Surface solar radiation is an indispensable parameter for numerical models, and the diffuse component contributes to the carbon uptake in ecosystems. We generated a 12 …
According to estimates, the annual total solar radiation available to China''s land area is 5 Â 10 19 kilojoules (1.2 Â 10 19 kilocalories), equivalent to about 1700 billion tons of TCE...
The data set contains daily mean global solar radiation, diffuse solar radiation, and horizontal direct solar radiation from 130 stations (including replacement stations) in mainland China from May 1957.
The average total solar radiation in China from 1961 to 2016 exhibited a downward trend at a decrease rate of 3.10 MJ·m-2 ·yr-1, in which the total radiation in the past 56 years decreased by 2.48%. In particular, the total …
This study improved methods to better estimate surface direct (R dir) and diffuse (R dif) solar radiation from sunshine duration in ChinaThis study identified a spurious steeper …
The annual mean SSR showed dimming trend over mainland China during 1961–1989 and 1990–2005, while the annual mean SSR experienced an increasing trend …
China has abundant solar energy resources and more than two-thirds of areas receive an annual total solar radiation that exceeds 5.9 GJ/m 2 with sunshine duration more …
The data set contains daily mean global solar radiation, diffuse solar radiation, and horizontal direct solar radiation from 130 stations (including replacement stations) in …
The spatial patterns of the mean annual R s demonstrate that western China has higher radiation resources, for example, in NW China and SW China, whereas eastern …
Figure 7 illustrates the annual and multi-year mean DSR values for the period 1982–2020 over China. The diffuse solar radiation values range from 63.7 to 97.7 W m −2, …
According to estimates, the annual total solar radiation available to China''s land area is 5 Â 10 19 kilojoules (1.2 Â 10 19 kilocalories), equivalent to about 1700 billion tons of TCE (ton of ...
[5] Li et al. analyzed averaged annual daily departures in solar radiation from 1976 to 1990 at 55 stations in China while Zhang et al. studied changes in solar radiation …