This innovative paradigm in power conversion and management is poised to significantly elevate the efficiency and reliability of energy storage and utilization in …
It is apparent that, because the transportation sector switches to electricity, the electric energy demand increases accordingly. Even with the increase electricity demand, the …
This review aims to fill a gap in the market by providing a thorough overview of efficient, …
EVs are based on propulsion systems; no internal combustion engine is used. It is based on electric power, so the main components of electric vehicle are motors, power …
Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems are pivotal in advancing net-zero energy transitions, particularly in the energy sector, which is a major contributor to climate …
This article''s main goal is to enliven: (i) progresses in technology of electric vehicles'' powertrains, (ii) energy storage systems (ESSs) for electric mobility, (iii) electrochemical energy storage …
The management system, power electronics interface, power conversion, safety, and protection are the significant requirements for efficient energy storage and distribution …
The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) with bidirectional charging capabilities could potentially further enhance the performance of these communities by optimising energy …
5 · In the context of increasing renewable energy penetration, energy storage configuration plays a critical role in mitigating output volatility, enhancing absorption rates, and ensuring the …
In the past few decades, electricity production depended on fossil fuels due to their reliability and efficiency [1].Fossil fuels have many effects on the environment and directly …
The energy conversion efficiency is increased by 8.5 times through synergistical optimization of TENG and switch configurations. ... a TENG-based power supply with energy …
A hybrid method is proposed for electric-vehicle (EV) fast charging station (FCS)-based power electronics converters with energy-storage-systems (ESS) and renewable-energy-sources …
6.2 Energy conversion efficiency. Energy harvesting is a critical technique for the development of low-power electronic systems. Numerous models and techniques are put forward for …
The increase of vehicles on roads has caused two major problems, namely, traffic jams and carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions.Generally, a conventional vehicle dissipates heat …
This review aims to fill a gap in the market by providing a thorough overview of efficient, economical, and effective energy storage for electric mobility along with performance analysis …
The energy density of the batteries and renewable energy conversion efficiency have greatly also affected the application of electric vehicles. This paper presents an overview …
The study determines the effects of EVs on the necessary utility-level storage capacity; the thermodynamic irreversibility (dissipation), which is associated with the energy …
Through the analysis of the relevant literature this paper aims to provide a comprehensive discussion that covers the energy management of the whole electric vehicle in …
The study presents the analysis of electric vehicle lithium-ion battery energy density, energy conversion efficiency technology, optimized use of renewable energy, and …
This article delivers a comprehensive overview of electric vehicle architectures, energy storage systems, and motor traction power. Subsequently, it emphasizes different charge equalization …
The proposed converter integrates a primary battery power source with a secondary renewable energy source—specifically, solar energy—to enhance overall energy …