Photo-electrochemical (PEC) devices based on perovskite photovoltaics that convert abundant solar energy directly into stored electric energy or value-added chemicals (e.g., hydrogen, carbon products) have great potential to eliminate the intermittency issue of the solar energy supply.
In 2009, Miyasaka and coworkers first demonstrated the perovskite materials in solar cell applications . They used CH 3 NH 3 PbX 3 as sensitizer in dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) which exhibit the PCE of 3.81%. Subsequent investigations disclosed that the OHIP materials are extremely interesting candidates for solar cell applications.
In this respect, the partial replacement of lead by divalent metal-ion can improve the performance of perovskite solar cell without causing any damage to environment. Continuing this Ji et al. demonstrated the perovskite solar cell with Pb Sn mixed triple cation, which exhibit the PCE of 16.10%.
With the remarkable progress of photovoltaic technology, next-generation perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have drawn significant attention from both industry and academic community due to sustainable energy production.
For the first time, Oh et al. reported the ZSO ETL based perovskite solar cells which exhibit the PCE of 7%. Later on, Shin et al. demonstrated a new method to prepared ZSO nanoparticles for photovoltaic applications. The perovskite solar cells based on prepared ZSO nanoparticles display the PCE of 15.3%.
However, there are still essential challenges, including compatibility, compactness, suitable power matching, and stable power output. In the power output, it is difficult to achieve high-potential energy storage devices due to the low output voltage of a single perovskite solar cell.
They reported that the usage of as-prepared MoO 2 /N-doped carbon nanospheres as HTM in C PSCs reduces the surface defects, energy offset at …
We have constructed a semi-transparent perovskite solar cell-photothermal-thermoelectric tandem system through the optimization of transparent back electrode and the …
The carbon footprint and energy consumption of a 8 × 8 cm 2 perovskite solar cell were evaluated based on LCA methodology. The deposition of the mesoporous layer is the …
solar˛energy to electrical˛and chemical˛energy,trochemical storage and conv,sociated thermal tandem t.B foundational mechanisms and typical materials and devices are report.
Inorganic perovskite photocatalysts for solar energy utilization Guan Zhang,ab Gang Liu,*c Lianzhou Wang *d and John T. S. Irvine *b The development and utilization of solar energy in …
This review specifically focuses on the general background of perovskite and its related materials, summarizes the recent development of perovskite photocatalysts and their …
3 · Integration of metal-halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with thermoelectrics (TEs) …
Photo-electrochemical (PEC) devices based on perovskite photovoltaics that convert abundant solar energy directly into stored electric energy or value-added chemicals …
Photo-electrochemical (PEC) devices based on perovskite photovoltaics that …
Solar thermochemical conversion, on the other hand, offers a relatively high theoretical efficiency and can support large-scale production due to utilization of the vast solar spectrum. To this …
3 · Integration of metal-halide perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with thermoelectrics (TEs) to form hybrid PSC-TE tandem devices presents a promising avenue for maximizing solar …
Particularly, the perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have been emerging due to their low-cost solution fabrication process and efficient solar energy harvesting. The lasted reported …
With the remarkable progress of photovoltaic technology, next-generation perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have drawn significant attention from both industry and academic …
With the remarkable progress of photovoltaic technology, next-generation perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have drawn significant attention from both industry and academic community due to sustainable energy production.
In general, photovoltaic performance of the perovskite solar cells is ascribed from their intrinsic properties like high absorption coefficient [23], tunable band gap [24], large …
Semi-transparent perovskite solar cells (ST-PSCs) are promising for their application in building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs). For BIPVs, a light utilization efficiency …
4 · Nature Energy - Academic and industrial researchers have gathered in Nanjing to discuss recent progress in perovskite and organic solar cells and to identify research gaps that …
They reported that the usage of as-prepared MoO 2 /N-doped carbon …
Fig. 10: Perovskite solar cells for energy storage devices. a J–V curves of an integrated system using a CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 based PSC and a polypyrrole-based …
4 · Nature Energy - Academic and industrial researchers have gathered in Nanjing to …
Unlike conventional PSCs, the defining characteristic of semitransparent perovskite solar cells (ST-PSCs) is their ability to transmit a large amount of visible light while …
A perovskite solar cell-photothermal-thermoelectric tandem system for enhanced solar energy utilization Han Zhong a*, Yangying Zhoua,b*, Cong Wangc, Chunlei Wan, Kunihito Koumotod, …
Solar thermochemical conversion, on the other hand, offers a relatively high theoretical efficiency and can support large-scale production due to utilization of the vast solar spectrum. To this extent, versatility in the preparation of various …
Semi-transparent perovskite solar cells (ST-PSCs) are promising for their application in building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs). For BIPVs, a light utilization efficiency (LUE) > 2.5 is required which is …
The carbon footprint and energy consumption of a 8 × 8 cm 2 perovskite solar …
We have constructed a semi-transparent perovskite solar cell-photothermal-thermoelectric tandem system through the optimization of transparent back electrode and the introduction of photothermal thin-film, …
Photovoltaic-thermoelectric (PV-TE) tandem system has been considered as an effective way to fully utilize the solar spectrum, and has been demonstrated in a perovskite …