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What is the calibration service for voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) calibration service for voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors is described. The service for voltage transformers provides measurements of ratio correction factors and phase angles at primary voltages up to 170 kV and secondary voltages as low as 10 V at 60 Hz.

What is a capacitance calibration meter?

2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working Standards derived from it, and a capacitance- (or LCR-) meter used for the measurement (i.e. calibration) of the devices under test (DUT).

What voltage can a capacitor be calibrated at?

Calibrations at frequencies from 50–400 Hz are available over a more limited voltage range. The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor at applied voltages ranging from 100 V to 170 kV at 60 Hz depending on the nominal capacitance.

How difficult is it to calibrate capacitors for use as standards?

Selection and calibration of capacitors for use as Standards is a challenging task, especially since the accuracies required, depening on the application, can be very demanding for the test gear as well as for the secondary- and working-standards used.

What is a high-voltage capacitor?

Calibrations at frequencies from 50-400 Hz are avail- able over a more limited voltage range. The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation factor at applied voltages ranging from 100 V to 170 kV at 60 Hz depending on the nominal capacitance.

How do you calibrate a capacitance standard?

The most commonly used method for calibration of capacitance standards in the interval 1 nF – 10 μF is substitution measurements where the object is compared to a known standard with the same nominal value. Such capacitance calibrations are carried out with an LCR-meter or a capacitance bridge.

NIST Technical Note 1486

Offset switch operation for the standard capacitor (STD) and the device under test (DUT) for different capacitance values over the frequency range of interest. ……..9

Accurate Technique for the Calibration of High-Voltage ...

This paper presents a comprehensive methodology for the precise calibration of high-voltage capacitance and dissipation factor (DF) bridges. The technique involves …

HVS — High Voltage Systems | Technical Services

We understand that high voltage equipment is often heavy, permanently sited and difficult to move — therefore we are fully equipped to work on site so that equipment and instrumentation can …

Determination of Voltage Dependence in High-Voltage Standard Capacitors

Fig. 2. Internal diagram of a standard capacitor. 1—High voltage electrode. 2—Main-capacitor low-voltage-electrode. 3—Shield electrode. 4—Auxiliary-capacitor low-voltage electrode. …

Adapted Technique for Calibrating Voltage Dividers of AC High-Voltage …

This paper presents an adapted technique to calibrate the AC voltage divider of AC high-voltage measuring systems up to 200 kV at the Egyptian National Institute of …

Influence of standard capacitors on the quality of high voltage …

The voltage coefficient of compressed gas capacitors is a relevant parameter in high-voltage calibrations. These capacitors, used as standards, are calibrated at low voltages …

A Fundamental Step-Up Method for Standard Voltage …

method for standard voltage transformers at PTB, as well as the setup of the required components. A main component is an active low-voltage capacitor, designed to realize …


At National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) the traceability for high voltage transformers is given with the aid of high voltage compressed gas capacitors. The initial measurement of the capacitance …

Experimental study of factors affecting capacitance of high-voltage ...

Various factors affecting the value and voltage dependence of the capacitance of high-voltage compressed-gas capacitors, used as high-voltage measurement standards, are considered. …

Determination of Voltage Dependence in High-Voltage Standard Capacitors

The capacitor is used in determining the voltage coefficients of NBS-owned commercial standard capacitors; in the calibration of customers'' standard capacitors, voltage …

ISO 17025 High Voltage Calibrations | Request a Quote

IEEE Standard 4; IEC 60060-2; IEC 60270; ANSI Z540; 10 CFR 50 / Appendix B ... Resonance test sets, DC test sets, Capacitors, Dividers, Hipot/Dielectric testers, HV power supplies, Live …

Calibration of Dissipation Factor Standards

dards and Technology (NIST) provides a calibration service for standard capacitors, including both low- and high-voltage devices used in standards laboratories, as well as specialized …

(PDF) Calibration of Voltage Transformers and High

Calibrations at frequencies from 50–400 Hz are available over a more limited voltage range. The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance and dissipation...

Calibration of capacitance

The calibration resources for capacitance at low voltages (≤ 100 V) covers the interval 100 fF – 1 mF. The most commonly used method for calibration of capacitance standards in the interval 1 …

(PDF) Calibration of Voltage Transformers and High

Calibrations at frequencies from 50–400 Hz are available over a more limited voltage range. The service for high-voltage capacitors provides measurements of capacitance …

Calibration of capacitance

Calibration at a National Laboratory meets all the typical requirements for traceability and accreditation commonly found in industry and society at large. ... 10 μF is substitution …

Calibration of High Voltage Capacitance and Dissipation Factors …

The calibration of the bridge was performed at 50 Hz by simulating the complex currents using two high-accuracy synchronized sources. The measurement of the currents was carried out …

Calibration of voltage transformers and high-voltage capacitors …

assigning a value to a standard capacitor. The stan- ... transfornier and high-voltage capacitor calibration services at NIST. 180 . Volume 94, Number 3, May-June 1989

Capacitance Standards and their Calibration

2. Capacitance Calibration The precision measurement of capacitors for the purpose of calibration is generally based on a national primary standard of high accuracy, secondary/working …

Calibration of Voltage Transformers and High

This paper describes two different calibration services: high-voltage capacitors and voltage transformers. At NIST these two services are per- formed using the same equipment. In fact, …