Global Organization

Does solar radiation reach the surface in China?

Solar radiation reaching the surface in China was analyzed on the basis of four data sets. National Centers for Environment Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis solar radiation data exceeded surface observations by 40 W/m 2 to more than 100 W/m 2.

How to measure long-term variations of solar radiation in China?

Thus, understanding the long-term variations of solar radiation is important for planning the utilizations of solar energy resources over mainland China in the future. Measurement by pyranometer with accurately calibrated are the best way to obtain the long-term SSR data (Wang et al., 2012).

Is there a downwelling surface solar radiation in China?

Conclusions and Discussion The downwelling surface solar radiation in China were studied on the basis of four data sets: NCEP reanalysis data set; surface-based observation data set from CDC/CMA and satellite estimates from GISS and UMD. Radiation data were intercompared.

Can radiation data influence trend analysis of SSR over mainland China?

Radiation data with varied spatial coverage and timescales could also influenced the results of trend analyses of SSR. The higher accuracy of the variation trend of the SSR over mainland China can be detected based on more intensive observation data.

Why did satellites overestimate solar radiation in China?

The systematic overestimation by satellite algorithms in China was most likely associated with aerosols and their complex interactions with clouds. Surface data indicated a significant decline in solar radiation from 1961 to 1990, but the decline trend did not persist into the 1990s.

What is the mean diffuse solar radiation (DSR) in China?

Annual and multi-year mean DSR over China with spatial resolution of 10 km for each year during 1982–2022. The mean diffuse solar radiation experienced significant turning points in 1990, 2000 and 2010, with DSR values of 75.6 W m −2, 78.8 W m −2,79.5 W m −2 respectively. However, in 2020, there was a slight decrease in the mean DSR (78.2 W m −2).

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The annual mean global solar radiation in China from 1961 to 2016 was estimated at 174.36 W·m −2, ... City-level analysis of subsidy-free solar photovoltaic electricity …

Innovative trend analysis of solar radiation in China during 1962 …

Innovative trend analysis Mann-Kendall China abstract An innovative trend analysis (ITA) with significant test was proposed for detecting the annual and seasonal variation trends of solar …

Trend of surface solar radiation over China in relation to changing ...

A Revisit of direct and diffuse solar radiation in china based on homogeneous surface observations: climatology, trends, and their probable causes

Analysis of solar radiation for Beijing China

Download Citation | Analysis of solar radiation for Beijing China | Based on the daily data of solar radiation and sunshine duration from 1958 to 2000 at Beijing, China, the …

Homogenization and Trend Analysis of the 1958–2016 In Situ

Abstract This paper presents a method to homogenize China''s surface solar radiation (SSR) data and uses the resulting homogenized SSR data to assess the SSR trend …

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Comparison of sunshine duration-derived surface solar radiation, observed surface solar radiation and surface solar radiation from CERES EBAF surface data using 122 …

Analysis of downwelling surface solar radiation in China from …

Solar radiation reaching the surface in China was analyzed on the basis of four data sets. National Centers for Environment Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis solar radiation data …

Interpolating Solar Radiation In China

Interpolating data from discrete points to a continuous surface, using a yearly statistical summary of solar radiation in China

Analysis of 40 years of solar radiation data from China, 1961–2000

Trends in Chinese global radiation, direct horizontal radiation, diffuse radiation, clearness index, diffuse fraction and percentage of possible sunshine duration for the period …

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Forty years of daily global and diffuse radiation data have been used to characterize the atmospheric optical conditions at 14 premium radiation stations in China. The …

Analysis of 40 year records of solar radiation data in Shanghai ...

SummaryIn this paper, we analyze global, direct and diffuse solar radiation data on a horizontal surface observed at stations in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou for the period …

A new view on the trend of solar radiation in mainland China — …

As a kind of renewable energy, the development and utilization of solar energy are valued by many countries. To accurately provide a basis for the use of solar energy in …

Long-term variations of surface solar radiation in China from …

In China, the long-term SSR values could be directly observed in 122 China Meteorological Administration (CMA) radiation stations (Zou et al., 2016). Numerous studies …

Analysis of 40 years of solar radiation data from China, 1961–2000

Based on global solar radiation and related meteorological data from 57 stations in China between 1961 and 2009, we analyze the variation of surface global solar radiation (G) …

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Solar radiation is the most important source of energy on the Earth. The Gobi area in the eastern Xinjiang region, due to its geographic location and climate characteristics, has abundant solar energy resources. In order to …

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This long-term dataset is suitable for a better understanding of the spatial and temporal variations in diffuse solar radiation across China, and for further evaluations of …

Analysis of 40 years of solar radiation data from China, 1961–2000

departures in solar radiation from 1976 to 1990 at 55 stations in China while Zhang et al. [2004] studied changes in solar radiation between 1961 and 2000 at three Chinese stations in the …

Analysis of downwelling surface solar radiation in …

Solar radiation reaching the surface in China was analyzed on the basis of four data sets. National Centers for Environment Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis solar radiation data exceeded surface observ...

Analysis of 40 years of solar radiation data from China, 1961 …

studies on long-term analysis of solar radiation over the. ... The method implemented by the Global Energy Balance Archive is also applied to check the data quality of …

Innovative trend analysis of solar radiation in China during …

The analysis in this study comprehensively investigates the variation trends of solar radiation at 48 stations in five climatic zones across China during 1962–2015, which …

Trend of surface solar radiation over China in relation to …

A Revisit of direct and diffuse solar radiation in china based on homogeneous surface observations: climatology, trends, and their probable causes