The Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) creates a regulatory framework to boost the competitiveness of EU industry and technologies crucial for decarbonisation. The Net-Zero Industry Act aims to enhance European manufacturing capacity for net-zero technologies and their key components, addressing barriers to scaling up production in Europe.
In March 2023, the European Commission proposed the Net Zero Industry Act, with the intention to strengthen the European manufacturing capacity when it comes to clean energy technologies. The act is part of the European Green Deal and will provide the basis for an affordable, reliable, and sustainable clean energy system.
With the Net-Zero Industry Act we want to support our industry in its transition. The NZIA is an important step in creating the necessary ecosystem to boost the manufacturing of clean technologies. Europe launched a pathway towards a cleaner and sustainable future for the European industry.
In its conclusions of 26 and 27 October 2023, the heads of state or government called on the Council and the European Parliament to reach a prompt agreement on the net-zero industry act, with a view to finalising the new bill before the end of the current legislative cycle. The Commission tabled its proposal on 16 March 2023.
Progress towards the objectives of the net-zero industry act will be measured by two indicative benchmarks: reaching 40% of the production required to cover EU’s needs in strategic technology products, and their evolution in comparison to world production for products such as solar photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, batteries and heat pumps.
The Commission tabled its proposal on 16 March 2023. The European Parliament adopted its position on 21 November 2023 and the Council its general approach on 7 December 2023. If you are not a journalist, please send your request to the public information service. Council and Parliament strike provisional deal on the net-zero industry act.
The Net-Zero Industry Act aims to enhance European manufacturing capacity for net-zero technologies and their key components, addressing barriers to scaling up production in Europe.
The European Commission has welcomed the final adoption of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), which puts the EU on track to strengthen its domestic manufacturing …
The Net-Zero Industry Act aims to enhance European manufacturing capacity for net-zero technologies and their key components, addressing barriers to scaling up production in …
(The Net-Zero Industry Act, which was published on 16 March, is discussed in more detail below.) The commission added that the Net-Zero Industry Act will be …
A Net-Zero Europe Platform will assist the Commission and Member States to coordinate action and exchange information, including around Net-Zero Industrial …
The EU will scale up the manufacturing of clean technologies in the EU. In May 2024, the Council adopted the net-zero industry act.. This will accelerate progress towards the EU''s 2030 climate and energy targets and …
Batteries ; Collection targets: portable batteries targets are 63% in 2027 and 73% by 2030; batteries from light means of transport, the target are 51% in 2028 and 61% by 2030; material recovery targets for lithium will be …
The Council and the European Parliament today reached a provisional deal on the regulation establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe''s net-zero technology products manufacturing …
The Net-Zero Industry Act establishes an EU-wide objective to achieve an annual CO 2 storage capacity of 50 million tonnes by 2030, to reassure industry investors that their captured …
The Council and the European Parliament today reached a provisional deal on the regulation establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe''s net-zero …
The regulation aims to boost the industrial deployment of net-zero technologies that are needed to achieve the EU''s climate goals, ... batteries and heat pumps, reaching 40% …
battery and nuclear fission energy technologies. The Commission and Member States should support manufacturing projects, to reduce the EU''s strategic dependence on these …
Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe''s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem (Net Zero Industry Act)
An implementing act developing a list of net-zero technology final products and their main specific components (as per see Article 29(2) of the regulation) is being drafted by …
The technologies the act aims to promote include solar technologies; onshore wind and offshore renewable technologies; battery/storage technologies, heat pumps, …
Today, the Commission proposed the Net-Zero Industry Act to scale up manufacturing of clean technologies in the EU and make sure the Union is well-equipped for …
The net-zero industry act is one of the three key legislative initiatives of the Green Deal Industrial Plan, together with the Critical Raw Materials Act and the electricity market design reform, to enhance the …
–coordinating net-zero industrial partnerships. • Consistency with existing policy provisions in the policy area The uptake in clean energy technologies is a powerful enabler for …
On 16 March 2023, the Commission put forward a proposal for a net'' -zero industry act'' that aims to expand the manufacturing capacity of net-zero technologies in the EU and enhance the …
Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe''s net-zero technology …
On 16 March 2023, the Commission put forward a proposal for a net'' -zero industry act'' that aims to expand the manufacturing capacity of net-zero technologies in the EU and enhance the …
Batteries ; Collection targets: portable batteries targets are 63% in 2027 and 73% by 2030; batteries from light means of transport, the target are 51% in 2028 and 61% by …
Das Gesetz vereinfacht die Bedingungen für die Produktion solcher Technologien – für eine starke Cleantech-Industrie in Europa und einen zügigen Ausbau der CO 2 …
The Net-Zero Industry Act is an initiative stemming from the Green Deal Industrial Plan which aims to scale up the manufacturing of clean technologies in the EU. This means increasing the …
The Net-Zero Industry Act aims to enhance European manufacturing capacity for net-zero technologies and their key components, addressing barriers to scaling up …